Imlay City Ford, Inc.

Deals of the Month
Mar 14, 2024
A Certified Ford Service Technician performing maintenance beneath a Ford vehicle, with another Certified Ford Service Technician performing maintenance under the hood of another Ford vehicle in the background

Your Ford is pretty awesome, but to keep it going strong, you’ve got to stick to the official Ford maintenance schedule. Giving your vehicle regular check-ups at the Ford dealer is important if you want to avoid surprise breakdowns.

The Lowdown on Ford Maintenance

Any vehicle built by Ford is going to run beautifully when it’s new, but you can’t get by forever doing nothing more than filling up the gas tank. That’s why Ford includes a maintenance schedule in your owner’s manual. It tells you what you need to do and when to keep your vehicle running like the finely tuned machine it was built to be. Following this schedule helps spot issues early on, boosts your car’s performance, and could even make it last longer.

Key Maintenance Moves for Your Ford

Oil and Filter Swap

The oil in your Ford is what keeps the engine happy and lubricated. Old oil can get dirty and less effective, so changing both it and the filter regularly keeps things running smoothly. Ford typically suggests an oil change every 5,000 to 7,500 miles, but check your owner’s manual to be sure.

Tire Care

Tires affect everything from how your Ford drives to how much gas it guzzles. Getting them rotated every 6,000 to 8,000 miles helps them wear evenly and last longer. Also, keeping them properly inflated can save you cash on fuel and make your ride safer. Check the pressure in your tires at least once a month to make sure everything is okay.

Battery Testing

Your car’s battery is what gets your car started and keeps all those gadgets running. Since batteries only last three to five years, giving yours a look now and then, especially just before winter, can prevent mid-trip mishaps.

Fresh Filters

Your Ford needs a lot of air to run properly, and it can’t get it if all the filters are clogged. Swapping out your engine and cabin air filters keeps your engine efficient and the air inside your car clean.

Belts and Hoses Check

Belts and hoses might not be glamorous, but they’re super important for things like powering your alternator and keeping your engine cool. Wear and tear on these parts can lead to breakdowns, so it’s smart to keep an eye on them.

Head to the Ford Dealer for Scheduled Maintenance

Why visit the dealer for maintenance? Regular maintenance means knowing your car will work right when you need it to. Your car will also use less fuel and need fewer expensive repairs if it’s well-maintained. Plus, it’s more likely to last longer when you’ve taken care of it.

Don’t skimp on maintenance for your car. Call Imlay City Ford in Imlay City, MI, to schedule your next service today.